Ocelot - Harmony

When attaching the term diverse to an album, one must first be exposed to the music of Ocelot.
Aaron Peacock - the man behind this veteran project is a bold example of an artist that refuses to freeze with his music. He holds an innovative approach and is always a step ahead with his musical ideas. It's felt in his releases, and also when he is on stage. After years of experience and experimenting in his lab, he presents results that are second to none, and are far out.
His new album Harmony is dominated by new ideas and polished sounds. It is well produced and does not depend on time. This is his 2nd Chill album on Avatar, after his brilliant One album he released back in the spring of 2009. Will it become a timeless piece of art just like One..?
Ocelot has started off with electronic music since day one, and remains loyal to his prototype idea. At the same time he combines organic sounds and samples that grant his music an extra dimension of humanity in a way that excites.
His new Harmony is a perfect full scale demonstration of his musical abilities. This time it excludes his upbeat sweeping and hypnotic familiar psytrance.
Ocelot has become a trademark of quality, and his Harmony is a clear and present testimony of his musical skills and almost unlimited musical abilities. His music is eternal and timeless.