Becoming.Intense - Brazil

Becoming.Intense was created in 2005 by Diogo C., with the purpose of constructing an open creative space where the beats and atmospheres are combined to reach a level beyond their original sources. It is sharp, clear and locks on target, with a unique style of composition that combines remarkable trance musical structures with odd elements from electronic music producers from the past and present.
After sending demos all around, the project's world premier was on Avatar Records "Terminal 2" compilation, followed up by the releases at "Goagadar Magazine vol.0-november2006" and "Nightvision" (2007), all done by the traditional house of Avatar, also granting the project a record deal and a prominent position on the label's cast. "Nightvision" also got the project its debut on the top charts, as the compilation managed to stay many weeks at Saikosounds' top-sellers. Shortly after, the project got to the top-charts once again with its participation on "Neverending Story 3".
The releases mentioned above can easily trace a upforward line of achievements and expansion of musical possibilities and ambitions. From the Goa melo-inspired sounds of Terminal 2 to the atmospheric soil of Nightvision and Neverending Story 3, the project's sound shows a constant incorporation of ideas and musical textures. These releases placed the project among some of the scene's best artists, releasing among names such as The Nommos, Ocelot, Para Halu, Psychoz, Digitalist and many others. In order to expand musical horizons, Becoming.Intense also delivers fine ambient music, which can be heard on Avatar's conceptual series "The Riddle of Isla de Pascua".
After some time playing and writting together with Carlos Lessa (aka Magma Ohm), Diogo C. settled back to a solo setup to deliver a new musical blast on Avatar Records: a split-album with Russia's newest talent Pharmacore. It consists of tracks done individually and two tracks done together over hours of hard labor over the internet. In a absolutely new and unprecedent format, the "Pharma.Intense" album is all about going to the remote edges of human thought: it is all about intensities and how such things are constantly constructing ourselves.
Diogo C. is now working on new material for Becoming.Intense and also on a new act called "Devir", which features a lo-key, deep ambient variant of the psydark beats featured in Diogo's former works.